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Welcome to the Kern County Central Valley Amateur Radio Club - W6LIE

If you need to renew your membership, instructions can be found HERE.


Monthly Club Meeting This Week - Thursday March 27th

Do you need help with a project, have questions about the hobby, need help getting started? Our monthly meetings are a good place to start. Our meetings are held at the East Bakersfield Veterans Hall, 2101 Ridge Road (across from Heritage Park). Meeting starts at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.


Welcome and Congratulations to...

We would like to welcome new members, Ken, Jeffrey, Darren, and Jeffrey who passed their Tech exams last Friday March 21st. (Ken also passed his General too). In addition we would like to congratulate Ivan, KO6FJG and Mark, KO6HBA who passed their Extra exams !

Classified Ads Are Back-

If you are a club member and would like to sell any equipment, visit the Classifieds page on our website.
Please visit the page for more details.

The Perfect Storm

On Saturday March 8th, 2025, the San Joaquin Valley Section of the ARRL will be conducting an Emergency Communications drill called “Perfect Storm”. The drill will simulate a disruption of telecommunications and the power grid due to the actions of an unknown “bad actor”. The drill will consist of 2 phases. The telecommunications blackout will occur first, then the power grid will go down.

KCCVARC Members are encouraged to participate in the drill either in person or during the Net. We are looking for individuals to work as Net Controllers or Area Controllers for the drill.


You can read more about this event on our news page - click HERE to continue.



 The 2025 Winter Field Day Report can be found HERE.




Thank you to everyone who came out to Winter Field Day!
02-08-2025 - We have submitted our logs and are waiting on the results to be posted.
We will have a post-field day report ready for our Club meeting on the 27th.
We will also post the results here on our webpage as soon as they are available.


Section Map from Winter Field Day 2025Section Map from Winter Field Day 2025
Here are all of the ARRL / RAC Sections that we made contacts with
You can read more about how the event went for us HERE.






Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting...

Our first club meeting of the year went well.  Plenty to eat and a good time for all.


Our next General meeting is 7:00pm on Thursday February 27th.
We meet at the East Bakersfield Veterans Hall located at 2101 Ridge Rd
At the corner of Mount Vernon & Ridge Rd. (Across from Heritage Park)




 Guess Which Club Member Made His First POTA Activation

Read about it on our NEWS page.





Club President, Patrick KD6PAPClub President, Patrick KD6PAPPast President Patrick Ponec, KD6PAP


Patrick accepted a new role as the Emergency Coordinator for Western Kern County ARES.
For more information about ARES, visit the ARES website listed below.






 Amateur Radio Emergency ServicesAmateur Radio Emergency Services

 Amateur Radio Emergency Service

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is part of the Amateur Radio Relay League’s (ARRL) extensive volunteer field organization dedicated to public service.

ARES is comprised of amateur radio operators who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in the ARRL or any other organization, is eligible for membership in ARES.

ARES nets are held every Monday evening at 1900 hrs local time, on the two W6LIE repeaters of 146.910-pl 100 and 145.150-pl 100.


For more information, visit the Western Kern County ARES website.







New Content-


 New content coming here soon.

















Kern County Amateur Radio Club







© 2023 Kern County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC)    All Rights Reserved.