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        Please check the calendar below, and join us at our next club monthly meeting. 

     Our meeting location:  East Bakersfield Veterans Hall 2101 Ridge Rd,  Corner of Mt, Vernon & Ridge Rd. (Across from Heritage Park). General meeting starts at  7:00 pm. If you need to contact us by phone; please call (661) 412-2859

East Bakersfield Veterans Hall

2101 Ridge Rd,  Corner of Mt, Vernon & Ridge Rd. (Across from Heritage Park)East Bakersfield Veterans Hall 2101 Ridge Rd, Corner of Mt, Vernon & Ridge Rd. (Across from Heritage Park)

       Next VE Session: Second Friday of every odd month.

     Set up starts at 1800 (6:00PM) & Testing @ 1830 (6:30 PM) . If you are planning on taking one or more test; please contact Larry (KM6OQI) at in advance, so all of the materials are ready for you.

 Club & Other Scheduled Nets:  Club nets are held every Sunday evening at 2000 local time, on the two W6LIE repeaters of 146.910-pl 100 and 145.150-pl 100.


 President’s message  

     WOW!! Good Food, Good Friends, and Ham Radio, it just doesn’t get any better than that! The 75th Anniversary Celebration was a resounding success. I personally enjoyed getting to visit with so many of you that I normally don’t get a chance to. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in pulling it off.

     A Very Special Thanks to Jerry KB7BX and Rick KN6NOC for leading the charge. We were honored with a visit from our Central Valley Section Manager Steven Hendricks who presented the club with a Certificate of Recognition from the ARRL for 75 Years of Service.  

     Don’t forget Summer Field Day is just around the corner. Check our website on a regular basis to stay informed on any upcoming events. Please feel free to contact me via with any questions, concerns, or ideas.   “Let’s Get Radio Active” 

Patrick Ponec  

   Click here to read the rules of participation in the commenting section.

Information about the Amateur Radio Emergency Service

     The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is part of the Amateur Radio Relay League’s (ARRL) extensive volunteer field organization dedicated to public service. ARES is comprised of amateur radio operators who volunteer. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in the ARRL or any other organization, is eligible for membership in ARES.  Click here to visit  the Western Kern County ARES webpage. 

     ARES nets are held every Monday evening at 1900 local time, on the two W6LIE repeaters of 146.910-pl 100 and 145.150-pl 100. Then check-ins are taken on simplex frequencies and other bands and modes

© 2023 Kern County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC)   (661) 412-2859. All Rights Reserved.