2025 Board of Directors
Welcome, and thanks for visiting our website. The Kern County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC) is a diverse group of individuals who share a common interest in the hobby of Amateur Radio. Radio Amateurs (or "Hams" as they are commonly called) are those who hold a valid FCC license and are interested in Amateur Radio for personal and non-monetary reasons. If you are a licensed amateur radio operator and not yet a member, we hope you will consider joining our club. If you are not yet licensed but have an interest in amateur radio, contact us and we’ll help you get started! Better yet come meet our friendly members at one of our monthly club meetings.
President, John Montoya KN6FVK
1st VP, Rick Simmons KN6NOC
2nd VP, Mario Aribas N6ABT
Treasurer, Ed Smith KC6YUF
Secretary, Javier Ruiz A. KN6SCN
Board Members
Jerry Waciawski, KB7BX
Jon Wilhelm, WA6KLB
Larry Bragg, N7LWB
Bylaws - Rick Simmons, KN6NOC
Emergency Communication - Patrick Ponec, KD6PAP -- Steve Holmes, KM6POI -- Richard Rodriquez, KK6RJR
Membership - John Stumm, KG6ZBN
Net Chief - Neal Janzen, N6YGG
Webmaster - Javier Ruiz KN6SCN
Newsletter Editor - Larry Bragg, N7LWB
Repeaters - Jon Willhelm, WA6KLB
VE Testing - Larry Miller, KM6OQI
Program Committee - John Stumm, KG6ZBN
© 2023 Kern County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC) (661) 412-2859. All Rights Reserved.