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Become a member and join the fun-


If you are a licensed amateur radio operator, becoming a member is easy.
Individual Memberships are $20 per year.

If there are multiple licensed operators in your home, a Family Membership is available for $25 per year.


How to Join
We use an online service (HamClubOnline) to manage our club memberships. This system also provides services and notifications to our members. First you have to register with HamClubOnline. This is free and is the beginning to managing your membership.

1. Go to
2. Select Register New to create your personal account on HamClubOnline.

New RegistrationNew Registration
3. Once at the main menu, select "Apply for Membership with a HamClubOnline Club" and search for Club Code "KCCVARC".
4. Complete the online application with your information and select "Submit Application". You will be asked to pay your dues with SQUARE (you can use a credit card - you do not have to sign up for SQUARE).
5. You're done. You will receive a receipt by email and then we will send you a welcome email.


To Renew Your Membership
1. Go to and click on
Pay My Club Dues (on the main menu) - you don't have to log in.

2. Enter your call sign and press Submit.

3. Now click the large blue button that says "Click here to renew your existing membership".

Renw screenRenw screen





This will take you directly to the SQUARE payment screen, where your payment will be processed.
You are done, your membership has been renewed. You will receive a receipt by email.


To Join or Renew by Mail

You can download a paper copy of the membership form (below). Complete the form and bring it to one of our club meetings.
Or you can make a check out to KCCVARC and mail the completed form and check to:

P.O. Box 743
Bakersfield, Ca. 93302

Download your membership form HERE.



© 2023 Kern County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC)    All Rights Reserved.