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Club News

Winter Field Day 2025


2025 Winter Field Day is a wrap!

It was a true "winter" day Saturday as the club gathered at the Bakersfield Sports Village in SW Bakersfield to practice what it might look like in case of an emergency situation. As amateur radio operators we might get called upon to help with local, regional and possibly national communications.

We toughed it out as the clouds rolled in along with the wind. Hands were freezing and those in attendance kept longing for some reprieve from the cold air that just kept blowing over the station operators. Occasionally we would get some sprinkles long enough to make one station have to cover the equipment and wait it out. We realized how nice we had it the last few years of WFD.

We set up field stations and antennas in order to contact others around the globe. We were hoping to test all modes... voice, digital and Morse. We even had a team trying to make a satellite contact but unfortunately we were unable to make a QSO. Even though we didn't accomplish all that we had hoped, we accomplished much! We were 6 Oscar which meant we had 6 stations set up for 6 different bands, outside using ONLY battery power. We had several new techs join us in the blistering wind and make several contacts on their own. WAY TO GO TECHS!!! There were a few members at home who also made QSOs with us. THANK YOU!!!

I think we were all ready for lunch at noon when Rick prepared some nice hot chili and cooked us some amazing hot dogs. We all needed something nice and hot at that moment. It wasn't soon after that that a few folks had had enough. Bands were not great, weather was challenging and the toll of the cold air mixed with wind was more than enough to make a few folks call it a day.

I am proud of this club; its organizers and most importantly its members. This community of radio operators came together despite the cold, the wind, and the threat of rain, to accomplish our Winter Field Day goal.

If you missed out on WFD we can't blame you and if you made it out to WFD we applaud you!

Until the next time...
-73 de KN6ZAT

Note: We have posted pictures from the event HERE


New Years POTA Event

WOW…WOW…WOW! What a fantastic turnout. Tule Elk Reserve (US-3583) had a takeover by the KCCVARC. Despite the wind, cloud cover, and cool temperatures five techs that are new to the club came out to experience POTA for the first time. They all did so well and we are so glad they came out.

Todd drove down from Lemoore to join us! He’s a POTA beast. He alone had 100 contacts today on numerous bands. Glad to have you Todd!

And don’t forget Joe! He’s an Extra that has shown up to almost all of the POTA events we’ve had but never got on the air. Today was different! He showed up and sat with Rob and John (ZBN). The three worked together and activated the park together on 20m. Rob logging for John and Joe while they called CQ! What a job that was for Rob!
Congratulation Joe on your first activation!


Make sure and look at the pictures from the event. These pictures can be found HERE.

Members Who Activated the Park
John S, KG6ZBN, E
Terry, N6AJ E
Scott, KN6ZAT G
John, KN6FVK G
Todd, W7TMP G
Michael, KN6VBW E

First Time Activation
Malise, KO6GXD T
Laramie, N6CUL T
Kylee, KO6GAD T
Tina, KN6ZJZ T
Becky, KN6WRI T
Steve, KM6POI T - Checking out what all the hype is!




New Years Breakfast

Our New Years Day Breakfast was a great success. It was the perfect way to start the new year. Seeing old friends and making new ones.

“Mingle often with good people to keep your soul nourished.”
— Anthony Douglas

© 2023 Kern County Amateur Radio Club (KCARC)   (661) 412-2859. All Rights Reserved.